How to Register for the Work Placement Program

What is the Black Youth and Emerging Professionals Work Placement Program? 


The Black Youth and Emerging Professionals Work Placement Program was originally started by Interactive Ontario (IO) back in 2022. Since then, it has allowed more than 36 participants to gain paid work experience in Ontario’s interactive digital media (IDM) industry.

This program is funded by the Canadian Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. It allows IO to connect career seekers (such as yourself) to potential IDM employers in Ontario. By signing up and submitting your resume, you then not only make yourself available for the Work Placement Program, but also to any registered employer at IO who are hiring and in search of potential candidates. Your profile will be available to them for consideration - even outside of the Work Placement Session dates, so registering will be a benefit to you all year long.


In order to be eligible for this work placement program, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Self-identifying as Black

  • Being between the ages of 18 and 35

  • Being an Ontario resident and legally allowed to work in Canada


How to sign up?


Because the funding for this program comes from the Canadian government, we are required to collect demographic information on the participants. On the next page, once you start signing up, you will find a variety of relatively invasive questions concerning your gender, race, abilities, and more. If you have any concerns relative to the use of this information, please feel free to contact us at one of the addresses listed below. We guarantee to you that this information is confidential and will not be accessible to the employers. 

This sign up process should only take you a few minutes. Once you have saved your information, your profile has been created and you are part of our database, congratulations!

While this first part is not time consuming, you should be prepared to spend some more time building your resume. Your resume includes all the information that will be accessible to the employers, and so it should include all your valuable skills and experiences. For more information on how to set up your resume head to the ‘Setting Up your Resume’ page.


If you have any inquiry, feel free to contact us:

Program Coordinator: